Made it to the Gillies! Gili Air is closest to Lombok(Bali's sister island) So you get a front row seat when the fireworks start. The island is predominantly Muslim unlike the Hindu people of Bali next door. Both islands are amazing but Lombok feels completely untouched by tourism. Once we got away from the gillies we barely saw a foreigner on the streets and only running into them at small hot spots on the island. Go before its too late...or better yet, buy a small plot of land for a fraction of Bali prices(International airport opening in 1 year!)
We've spent the last month touring around with the help of a Honda Vario(yes its a dinky motorbike...the french prefer moped) but with top speed of 140Kh it was a great way to see the island. Getting ready for some waterfalls.
Still get a laugh from the odd signage.
No motorbikes on the smaller islands so its all horse and buggy.
By far the best Kopi Lombok(Indo Coffee) I've ever had. They grind the beans down to a powder and toss it in hot water. Remember to slow down at the bottom of the cup or you'll get a mouthful of grinds.
You gain a year for every time you swim around/behind the fall...I didn't make it...wusss
pedestrian bridge Engineering award goes to...
Another one.
Can't get enough! trek time.
Ballin in this ridiculous bungalow/ too cool for school :)
Photo cred RR Davis.
Dear diary...
Its been swell! This may be the last post for a while as the trip is getting wrapped up fairly soon. Maybe one or two more countries left...