Friday, July 10, 2009

One month in 30 pictures (give or take)

I'm now back in the Thai islands, west coast though. Since I haven't posted in a while, I've got quite a bit to condense into a neat post. Pretty exited about having finished the infamous SE Asia loop around Thailand-Laos-Viet Nam-Cambodia. Now its time to head east...again. I'm truly split between Indonesia or the Philippines as my next target, any Ideas?

These first few shots are from Cambodia at Anjali. Got the boys a few guitars from the capital Phnom Pehn. Another local teacher comes in on Saturdays so these axes should be used frequently.

Rockin out. During lunch hours, well be able to teach and jam.

Snow cones.

We got to the school on a Friday and the local doctors were doing their quarterly checkup on the kids(Yeah no class!). Each kid got a lunch bag full of drugs to last them till the next check up.

Jain with team red.

So none of the kids had the slightest idea on how to do a sit up. As I was paired up with 5-8 kids at any one time, I borrowed more kids/foot clamps to help out.

The point of this workshop was to get the kids on a circuit. How many push/sit ups could they do per minute, running and chin ups etc. The scores would be written down and compared to the next workshop a month later.

5 min between classes.

Doctors visit.

I brought in some badminton sets and these kids just took over. Within 10 minutes they were teaching the teacher.

These kids get a lot of play time between classes yet are still energetic at 5pm.

So back to Thailand...again. I know, I've been here 3 times now but its just so different and beautiful everywhere you go. Meeting up with friends here to recharge for the next push east.

So from $5 an night in Cambodia to a $120 massive 5 star resort with infinity pool it is! good thing we negotiated a riddick-bo price of $15 each.

Randelle on Mekong Whiskey.

Buckets of fun!

New Thai style Pentagon Jenga. I'm always sabotaging the foundation.

Steve and Jess, two bartenders form Toronto, sharing a Maitai.

Sun kissed Krabi.

Being Dom on the beach in Phuket.

Can't get enough of Domtron's new Kilometer remix(total plug). Check it.

Almost got beat by a girl.

Best shoe selection ever. Got the socks thrown in with the pitcher o beer.

Who knew beer and bowling went together so well.

Land of the temptations of the flesh.... Central Patong. Just as slimy as it was when I was here 4 years ago, but with Starbucks, families of four and a shopping mall.

Texas gin. My poker face sucks so I just laugh behind the cards.

Hard days work.

Waiting for the ferry to take us to Railay beach off of Krabi.

Our backyard facing the bungalows.

Since the mountains block us off from the mainland, it feels like island living.

Longboat with added flair.

Scaling the mountain. You know the old saying: one hand for the rocks an one for the Diet Coke...bordering on the ridiculous.

Head banging rockers.

Watching possible dead from above 2009.

Remember those crazy green bracelets? The "I Love Kenyan Orphans" drive for the chicken coup project is almost done. Some good news is on the way. Stay tuned for the next post! I hope your summer is being filled with sweet patios and good friends. Ciao!

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