O.k. so Its been over a month since the last update. I'm in Melbourne for good(about 3 months in Dom years) Been lookin around for the usual "real life" accessories like a job and a place. Let the fun begin....but first a little shopping.... They built a mall around this tower. Dodgy Aussies.

Federation square.

Just giving you a panorama of the square where found a gig.

Good old Real job. I've traveled all this way to work in a bar...again. This place has as many if not more beers than the last place I worked at. Perks here include a mandatory drink after shift, sending customers to the kitchen to order food and 13 other bartenders that help you shut the place down. The police throw people out over here and the bouncers are actually bigger than the patrons.

Pissed that we've spent almost 3 weeks in Backpackers since arriving in Melbourne.

Even more pissed...

Instead of banging head against wall I decide to go house hunting.

But before that its time to catch up with old friends. I stayed at the Orphanage in Kenya with Rebbecca. While I've been selfishly travelling about, she's been busy fund-raising to send books overseas.

Condo time. Its been a year so I pick up where I left off. Got me a sweet Korg R3 with my first paycheck. Rent can wait. I'm seen here annoying my neighbors. The place has a gym and a lap pool... so I've got no excuses not to get in shape.

The queen west of Melbourne. Fitzroy is pretty rad.

Just sauntering about.

Keeping the beats Alive! Here is the latest! To say this track is a departure from my usual stuff would indicate I actually have a style. Feel Free to Bite... check it out
Doing the Graffiti walk in Brunswick.

Another friend from the orphanage in Gathiga. Jackie! She took me out to go see some live music in Chinatown.

Who needs nuit blanche when the most random art is all around you? The sailor and I found these clean white slippers in step right off a major street in Fitzroy. Yes I did look around for a mental health clinic.
So with hot water, wifi, a job, bars and summer on its way I'll be chillin here for a while. I can now officially accept couch surfers!
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