Saturday, February 7, 2009


Goa! Old portugese enclave, wicked beaches, cool lookin churches and they've got a dominos here! I ran into Tamara, an old friend from work. She's taking a month long Yoga course in Madrem beach. I've been hanging out in Arambol trying to run off the added christmas pounds.

I picked up a Pulsar for a few days to explore the counrty side and get away from the hippies. They don't seem to import helmets here. If you look closely at the local expats, you'll see that most of them have a huge scarred patch of skin the elbow, hip, chest or leg. Motorcylce wounds. Need for speed vs fear of death meet in this nice little package . After wiping out a few days later, I figured I would give myself a little time between my lessons. Nothing seems to heal in this climate.


Ye ol' 15 hour train ride oh + 6 hour delay

With scenery like this you can't complain!

Comfort Inn. They insert a sheet of plywood in the middle of every mattress here in India. Whats the point?

Current read: The Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud.
Horrified because you killed your sibling in one of your dreams? Don’t fret about it…it just means that you actually wanted them dead at some point in your childhood. Embarrassed because you’re always underdressed at that cocktail party or naked at the office? It’s only that exhibitionist in you struggling to get out!
All frinkin foot notes! arh!!
This book attempts to get past the manifest content and to the source of your dreams. Using some fancy psychoanalytic technique Freud attempts to find the little neurotic in all of us. Even if you disagree with most of Sig’s logic, just reading the book will dislodge some old lurking memories (fun?)

If you can (want to?) power through a barrage of footnotes that sometimes take up 90% of the actual page, then you might just find this little gem interesting. Since I’ll be dozing off quite a bit on these long Indian train rides, I figured I’d do some light interpretation.

"Festival of Monkey temple" is what I think is happening here in Panaji

Portugese travellers would come and touch/pray at the church to give thanks for surviving the journey. Kinda makes you feel spoiled in the jet age.

Church of the Immaculate Conception Panaji.

Sick whitewash.

Walk up to the beach.

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