Thursday, April 30, 2009

Laos and more

Post 12h bus ride though the winding mountains of Laos and we finally arrived at Luang Prabang or L. Bangers. A great little town on the Mekong right in the middle of nowhere. On this particular bus ride the drivers assistant handed out plastic bags at random. Turns out the bus doesn't really stop, which meant the mother of three sitting next to us helped the kids 'go potty' right into the bags. What a pro she was! Not a single mess! Once the bus stopped everybody tossed their bags on the road side...what efficiency.

Luang Prabang has a great multi-tiered waterfall about 25 Kilometers south. I definitely recommend checking it out if you pass through. If you've made it up to the first swimming hole, past the families picnicking and are looking for a sick view, Resist the impulse to climb the welcomed set of wooden stairs, those will take you all the way to the sketchy crab lagoon/forest at the top of the waterfall (dare you to take a swim... don't worry you'll never see what gets you because the water is covered in leaves).

Instead, take your shoes off and negotiate the set of cascades to your immediate right. After a bit more scaling you'll see a few monks and a few locals hanging out. The no-bottom swimming hole here is gorgeous. I had to take a risk with my camera...the shot was too good to miss. So I swam out, one hand above water with my canon and tried not to flow over the fall.

Treking shoes on


Found a stick in a cave and basic instinct just took over...

This is the spot.

Edge of 2nd tier fall.


O.K. got a hold.


Bluish lagoon.

Picturesque...and a case of Lao beer chilling away in the bottom right.

L.P. Bangers

One thing I can't do without on the road is some Mario. I rigged my little net book to emulate the original Nintendo 64.

For those who like the classics... favourite! The strawberry flavour just doesn't do it for me.

Chiang Mai night markets.

Great little Wat right on the night market.

Enjoying a few Singha.

This woman just scoops a few handfuls of phad thai for 75 cents.

Regular guest house disclaimers.

Sun is not as killer here... but those 3 dollar knockoffs are!

Checkin out le musee.

Wat a great sight (That was bad..sorry)

Sweet colours on the trail.

Who loves fangipans?


All stair cases leading up to the Wats here are decorated.

Weird lookin fellows.

My new washing machine.

Off to Vientiane!

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