Thursday, April 23, 2009

Legendary Thai Warrior & New Music

Finally got this one out! The tune is called "Ko Tao" Hope y'all like it!

The dude that started it all. Legend has it this Thai warrior was captured by the Burmese military in the early 13th century . To test his might the king of Burma threw fighter after fighter at Nai-Kanom-Tom. After defeating 9 warriors in a row (bare hands), Tom finally fell to the 10th warrior. Admiring his bravery the king sent the Thai fighter back to his country....The Thai's had a new hero and thus the art of Muai Thai was born... OK lets see some blood!

Dan the man from England towered over this Thai and crushed him in 2 minutes.

Ceremonial song and dance showing great respect to the trainers.

I've been fattening up on Chang beer so out comes the 6L-bottle-sock-freeweight. This comes in handy but its more about reps than weight. Plus its hard to destroy your shoulders with this little weight :)

Oh're suppose to stand on the bar?...ouch!


Local bar in Koh Samui. $1 vodka redbulls will lure you into the ladyboy venus flytrap...

More Chang!

We found this lounging in one of the 7-11 aisles. Porker or Dog.... Pog!

Qrax kills.

Finally... certified PADI open water diver.

How ridiculous can you look in a wet suit...trying to bring it to a whole new level...success!

Everybody's fav snack. your heart out! Comes in coconut, corn, pork, chicken, pineapple and Jess's personal fav tuna!

Were off to Chiang Mai in the north and then east over the border into Laos!

1 comment:

kevyn said...

that dog is crazy. you guys are livin it up! keep it comin! what up jess!