Friday, October 10, 2008


One of Alexander the great's generals founded this city. It rose to greatness when the Roman Empire let it become a free city. With taxing powers and a crucial link between Persia and Mediterranean port, serious bling started flowing their way. Zenobia, queen at the time, poisoned her husband and let her son assume the purple(Augustus status!) She rebelled and got as far as Egypt. Aurelian, emperor at the time, pulled out the big guns and shut her down at Antioch. She was defeated and brought back to Rome in Gold chains as a prisoner of war (better than water boarding).

Palmyra was subsequently shut down and turned into a military port. As you can see, its seen better days. Chris and I got a little crispy so I got a little bit of baseball hat tan.

Stone Ridge!

Big daddy!

Left or Right? the driver wanted an extra 20USD to drive us to the border but we rejected his offer...way too pricey

Temple of Bel. An Uber Babylonian god, later assimilated into the Roman mythology as almighty Jupiter or Zeus(Greco)

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