Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Arrived in Nairobi about a week ago. I was staying in the Kawangware slums for a few days. Great way to acclimatize to African life (1 in 3 Africans live in slums I'm told). Decided to chill for a few days before my placement at the Children's Hope Home and Rehabilitation Center in Gathiga. So me and a few volunteers headed out to do some sight seeing.
Baby Cheetah at 3 months, claws and all ;)

If you let it lick your finger it wont start chewing on you. Good to know.
For a bit of Backsheesh the guards let us in for a few minutes. Three cheetahs were pacing up and down the cage. Dinner time?
Objects in camera were the same as they appeared. I didn't think to bring extra diapers.
I figured it would take out my arm before attempting the jugular so I gave myself a little space.
Who dat?!
Great parks out here!

Raff.I never know what the reccomended distance is for all these animals, so I usually go with the 1 meter default....wait...

....and then get right in there.As gross as it looks
Dodgy ostridgeSimba.


Jacynte said...

Wow...amazing, love the baby Chetah pics...so cute. You both look darn hot. Jacynte

Jacynte said...

Wow...amazing pics of that baby Chetah...so cute! Looks darn hot in Kenya this time of year.